Russian Troops Took Radioactive ‘Souvenirs’ From Chernobyl, Ukraine Says

I'm sorry your education system failed you like this. Every lie has consequences whether the consequences are recognized or noticed or even caused by any person or not. Every lie contributes to the unnecessary suffering in the world, however trivial the contribution may be, because every time we base a decision on a false premise the impacts of our decision fail to align with the physical reality we inhabit, and they fail to align with our expectations, too. This results in more suffering, more emotionalism to deal with it facilitated by more denial leading to poorer choices on our parts, compounding the cycle.

Feels over reals is why we're going to become at least functionally extinct this century, and it's the base or fundamental reason for the unfathomable amount of suffering we've chosen to allow to exist in our world. It's the fundamental reason for atrocity, too. Bigotry and prejudice are inherently based in denial. We reject real aspects of people we choose to hate to enable ourselves to do awful things. It's all about satisfying the emotional addictions we depend on to get through our days and until we choose to accept that it is addiction, we're not going to make better choices, we won't behave any better, and we will continue to decline because our climate crisis is accelerating. This puts us firmly on the track for the most atrocity we can possibly imagine.

You shouldn't be afraid to think on these scales. Nobody should, because they're real. But a big part of accepting the big picture is accepting how little we each know. You're not doing that when you write off substantive comments as "random soapboxing", you're just bullshitting yourself and anybody reading because you don't want to think about it. Maybe you're lazy, maybe you're dumb, I don't know, but you're still missing the point of the quote.

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