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title points age /r/ comnts
My experience with internet arguments is as follows... 967 3yrs funny 208
I don't know what's going on here but I found it hilarious 20 3yrs funny 6
Typed in "wut" to Google... Was not disappointed. 611 3yrs funny 55
Searched for "wut" in Google Images. Not disappointed. 651 3yrs funny 41
I don't even know. 18 2yrs funny 5
Almost forgot about my cake day so have some sound advice. 100% guaranteed to help you. 12 3yrs AdviceAnimals 16
This makes me laugh every time I see it. 253 3yrs funny 13
Found this, very very confused 39 4yrs WTF 8
My favorite picture on the internet. 18 4yrs WTF 5
Found this on my hard drive, still cant remember where I got it. 101 4yrs WTF 17
Best meme ever. B 3yrs funny
ISLAM BAD! ISLAM BAD! ISLAM BAD! ISLAM BAD! karma pls. 1393 1yr circlejerk 47
Pretty much what buzzfeed "articles" are now-a-days 262 2yrs funny 10
Found this internet gem while Googlin' a friend... 43 4yrs WTF 16
I found this on my phone. I honestly can't remember why I would download this. 742 4yrs WTF 71
It all makes sense now... 304 4yrs WTF 20
How I feel after exams and weeks of studying 29 4yrs funny 5
Totally makes sense 24 4yrs WTF 4
That's enough /b/ for me today... 1054 4yrs funny 542
What The Fuck 222 4yrs WTF 23
I posted this meme as a response to a statement. Someone replied and asked about the origin of the picture/meme. So reddit, where the hell did this piece of gold come from? 37 4yrs AdviceAnimals 9
Now I've seen some shit in my day, but this... 4yrs WTF
I've reached the end of the internet. 36 4yrs WTF 15
You know the old saying... 86 4yrs WTF 14

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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