A science teacher's worst fear

This joke is so old. It was actually posted last week.

But this is important, because the content of the post shows a woman this time instead of plain text. And she does look like a teacher.

This is when it gets scary

Notice how Reddit boosted Bernie posts to the front page of /r/politics and reddit.com? It's because they wanted to expose as many people as possible to politics. Now, politics is good for businesses in the US and a number of other factors, but I digress.

This post has 11,000 points. It's extremely popular, not because of the joke, but because the Reddit algorithm favored this content.

Reddit is in bed with agencies and government. They have changed their policies to produce a safe environment for the majority. They want more teachers to laugh at themselves instead of taking their job seriously.

Almost done I promise

I didn't make this post to insult anyone. I made this post to show you guys that you CAN NEVER overthink something. As a matter of fact, continue to question EVERYTHING.

That is all.

I feel those edgelord comments boiling already

/r/funny Thread Link - i.imgur.com