Scorpio suns, moons, marses, risings can you relate?

I have the same 3 combinations of signs, some of the same placements as you, and similar experiences - lots of pisces, sag and scorp energy. Pisces/sag make people project things onto you and that moon makes them either love you or hate you, in my experience. Without that veneer, things go badly. They're insecure, awkward and intimidated by you and that makes them subconsciously threatened and ready to attack you, unless you keep that clown face /nicey nicey act going. I've been burned at the stake more than a few times.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice (but on the off chance it helps at all, I'll give it), and I have no affiliation with them, but there's a thing called human design (partly based on astrology) that explained it so well I wept. You might have a similar profile to me.

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