Scumbag McDonald's

There's a reason why they're paid the lowest possible amount. Any job that you can learn in 30 minutes isn't going to net you a livable wage. They're pulling from a vast sea of willing laborers to run their shops. They don't need to compete for workers in any way, especially since they can hire just about anyone. Really, it's basic supply and demand.

I lost my job during the recession, and went from making a decent salary with benefits to nothing in a day. I went to McDonalds and worked there for a year before I was able to leave. I drained my savings, lost my healthcare, and racked up debt. While it would have been great to earn more, I was under no illusion that my work there was worth anything other than the pittance I was receiving. It was by far the easiest job I've ever had, and I've worked quite a few different jobs in my life so far.

I have trouble finding an easy solution for the problem. I feel bad for those people that are working there, that probably have better skills that what they are using, or at least have the potential to be doing something better with their life. It's easy to tell people that they need to leave and find a better job, but sometimes reality works against that. It took me taking on another job while I worked at McDonalds to scratch myself out of that mess, then I got lucky and started doing what I trained to do again. Then there's part of me that thinks that people get paid what they deserve. That's a harsh term, but really, most minimum wage jobs are incredibly easy to learn and master. They're working against every other untrained laborer in the area itching to get their job. They are replaceable so easily, it's really a no-brainer why they are paid so little.

I guess I don't know where I'm going with this. I read through these comments, and many of them are heartless and cruel. I just try and remember that these are actual human beings handing me my crummy food. We're all in this adventure together, and it really sucks to be at the lowest rung on the ladder. Would it be such a bad thing to raise minimum wage? Is it really so horrible to have a bit compassion, to take care of the poorest among us? Life sucks sometimes, I can't see any reason to keep people down just because you think 'they don't deserve a livable wage'. We should be better than this.

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