Self Promotion Saturday! The one stop shop for new content creators and viewers!

Good afternoon all, I'm Xepherian and I stream over at (which redirects to I'm a practicing play-by-play caster who has taken a specialty towards running Division War (think trick2G sub-wars that are free) in order to practice my commentary. I run Division Wars matches Monday - Thursday starting at 4PM PST and I go through Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat/Diamond (I group them together because I don't have a whole lot).

Some reasons why YOU should join the Division Wars: We've got a really bangin' community that you can showcase your best plays to, whether you're bronze, silver, gold, platinum, or diamond!

  • We offer honest reviews on your individual game-play if you are asked, so if you're looking for improvement we can possibly help you out.

If you want to practice commentary yourself, *we allow you to co-cast or tri-cast** with Xepherian if you give us a heads up! We do our best to maintain a positive and honest community, we do not tolerate toxicity and players smurfing into lower divisions. You don't have to pay a $5 fee to be allowed to play! :)

I upload highlights to my YouTube channel which can be found @ In my opinion, some of the best examples of my commentary are in these videos: * BestTopKR 420 NoScopes * Beacon of Hype #1 Beacon of Hype #2

I also dabble in video production which can be related to the overall League, Streaming, Comedy, or Vlog-Like videos, much like these video: Dealing With Insults on Stream Xephh & Friends: Tough Mudder Tahoe 2014

My Division Wars can get pretty popular, and we have a system in route that allows me to get advanced sign-ups. If any new players see this and are interested in taking part in the Division War matches, just stop by during the stream start-up and we will do our best to get you a spot. :)

I do stream ranked play and such, but it's not what I'm most known for. I'm currently unranked with 9 promo games in, and I'm currently 5-4. I'm very talkative and try to explain everything I'm doing and my thought process behind it.

My stream will be going live at 4PM PST / 7PM EST with a Division Wars series, today we will be doing platinum & diamond (combined), then working our way through gold, silver, and bronze in that order. If you want to participate, just come on

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reply here or PM me! Hope to see you all around at some point in time!

/r/leagueoflegends Thread