[SERIOUS] Teachers of Reddit, what is something you've said to a student that you deeply regret?

A substitute teacher of mine should answer this. She was really stressed out one day, and out of blue, she just snaps and says, "I don't get paid enough to deal with you guys." And she was only mad at two kids in my class, but she said it to the WHOLE class. And that really sucks to hear as a depressed sixth grader. When you find out the harsh truth from a substitute, who else is secretly being nice to you just to get paid? Now I'm a little suspicious of my math teacher, since she's the most nice to me. Maybe she just wants the money for her family. Maybe she can't actually stand me, and I'm just an annoying piece of shit to her. I don't know. And I don't think she regretted it (she should) because she said it twice. It really hurts me to think about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread