[Serious] What's a huge secret of yours that you need to get off your chest, but can't share with anyone you know?

You're a strong person stranger, you've been low down but you have gotten back up, not many people can say the same; you have proven yourself and the world that going down that path you went through is not the end and if you ever visit it again I'm sure you'll come out again because as I do I'm sure there's people that are going to be there for you all the way and believe in you, people that will do anything to help you get up. It's okay to fall but you have to get up, and try your hardest to not fall again. I speak from experience when I say that don't try to forget about your past either, you always have to remember where you were before, before you grew into a better person.... and that's the thing you know? You always have to grow, we will never achieve perfection but we can sure as hell try to make ourselves better every day and I'm sure you can do it too.

Sorry if I made you cringe, if it was cliche'd or if that's not what you wanted to hear, but I just want to help. I've been in similar places many many times and I don't wish it on anyone. Hope it helps.

/r/AskReddit Thread