I seriously don't like that woman

Here's what I don't get about it. Hilary will run; she learned her lesson against Obama and killed any early competition before it became a real threat. The Democrats will have to run her or she'll poison the well of political contributions she controls. This is her last chance to be president, and the first female one at that. All stops are out and any dirty trick will be played. She's all in this one. And my guess is she'll be the Democrat running because she wants it enough to commit political murder against anyone that stands up against her in that party. She will be the blue nominee.

The problem is that's so illogical. They're banking on the fact that women will vote for other women. Problem is, they won't. Women hate other women. They're terrible to one another and they won't vote for a woman just because she has a vagina. Women are smarter and more complicated than that. This will be a race based on ideas and not on gender as a result. The Democrats have some real good stuff going for them. They're better on net neutrality. However they're also the party that should be screaming to end the war on drugs, and they arn't. For instance, Rand Paul of all people cosponsored a bill to take weed to a schedule 2. That's insane to me, since he seems like a pretty chaste guy. But, he's listening to the will of the people on that one, which is a plus.

The populist Democrats got behind Warren early. Warren would have the youth vote and if you get her in line on drug policy you might have one great candidate. But Hilary snuffed her out fast. I see Jeb Bush as the lesser of two evils here (a phrase I never thought I'd ever say). The reason here is that look at the rest of the slate. I'd like to see Rand Paul sadly (another phrase I never thought I'd say) but Bush can fundraise really well, and Paul cant. The rest are just insane; batshit insane or paid to be batshit insane. Sometimes I think they cultivate that so that no one will question why they put forward crazy bills. Either way, Bush is the lesser of two evils because we should pray Bush gets it.

What could be worse than having to vote for Clinton and four more years of bullshit just because you're concerned for the fate of humanity if they elect some war hawk with a chubby who threatens to nuke other nations. I'll take Bush any day of the week over that.

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