Seriously, we hear the bombs bursting in air. Relax, America.

I drove around LA for about 6 hours today, out of pure boredom. You wanna know how many marked police cruisers i saw? Maybe 3. Oh, and two motorcycle cops pulling people over on the 405, causing slowdowns.

You know what i see everyday? Dogs off leashes. I see more dogs off leashes than on them. So much dogshit. I saw a dog drinking from a human water fountain and today with the help of his owner.

I hear and see fireworks everyday.

I see broken glass next to cars every god damned day.

There are so many rules and laws here that nobody follows. There are so many criminals and wealthy that thrive off of the daily labors of the 89% good people here.

It’s time to start getting creative with enforcement and laws. LA is so blessed by location but it’s government is fucking incompetent and people here are glad about it because the “right” people are elected.

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