Seven men arrested after reports of touching young girls at Roseville water park

I know the sheer disgust and sadness their actions have caused are great, and what they have done to these poor girls cannot be taken back, I do not think revenge for the sake of revenge is fitting for some of these offenders.

While I cannot speak for those above 30, three of these men are still young and idiotic, and clearly misguided and in dire need of help. They are still way too young to have their lives thrown aside with so much anger. They need help to get into a civil and healthy frame of mind, and help from society to show even a modicum of sympathy because some of these men are barely more than boys.

They are boys with deeply rooted problems that go beyond being solved with a couple years in a prison, and they are surely sobbing right now, wishing they could’ve taken their actions back. I want them to be punished, but I also know the importance of having them learn, and I want them to become functioning members of society. I don’t want to throw a teenager and two 20-somethings into a cycle they’ll never get out of for the sake of the satisfaction of some internet users. Please, find some humanity in yourselves.

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