Sexist buffoonery cost Shawn Simoes his job. But you could lose yours for a lot less. Welcome to the creeping corporate takeover of our private lives.

This is only partly true. They have made it easier to fire people in specific cases. Some cases will still require supporting evidence.

While they take from one, they givith unto another. Laws out of esa into ohrc.

Most people in Ontario don't realize the employer needs to offer you help if you are having problems, and these problems are causing 'outbursts' or 'emotional wobbles' The mental health act covers it all.

"The duty to accommodate" Jesus, that's a powerful statement.

You've just got to know how to deal with it, and understand going in, all your cards are on the table. Got a drug problem? Tell them! Fighting every night with the hubby/wife/SO/lifepartner/turtle/whatever? Tell them! They are required to accommodate. I was union rep in a big food warehouse, I wont get into specifics, but lets say out of the ~3500 floor workers at any time we had around 10 serving dui's still operating forlifts, reach trucks and shunt trucks, and we had about 15 guys off on mental/rehab, paid for by the company. They all asked for help and they got it. Some I still keep in touch with and are doing well.

Have you ever had to work beside a charged and awaiting trial pedophile? That sucked. A lot. And management came around the day before and told every guy not to talk to him about it or they would be fired.

So I do not agree anyone should be fired on a whim. Sorry. Cause and action. It looks to me like this guy might have some issues, and maybe he does need help, or he'll just keep on like this. And I would rather see him providing for his family, filling a role in society and trying to make himself a better person than anything else.

Has he actually been charged for sexual harassment? I tried google but its not showing anything...

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