Sick of hearing my neighbor listening to porn all day on his back porch

This is excellent advise, but the idea of actually doing it is terrifying. Behind the spoiler tag is why it’s terrifying. I wouldn’t say anything now except this seems like a really sincere attempt to help but your lived experience may have left you with a blind spot.

Having said that if the OP feels safe to, this is the way I would go.

TW: Sexual harassment/ assault behind the spoiler tag.

[SPOILER](/s ”If the guy knows his neighbor can hear his porn and doesn’t care, it’s gross and he’s an asshole. But what if he knows the neighbor can hear his porn and he likes it?

He could do it more often or turn up the volume because he gets off on his neighbor listening. He could escalate anything from nasty comments of the “You could come over here and do something about it” verity, to backyard mastrubation to straight up assault. Maybe not right that second but saying something could make the OP a target. A challenge.

And being the only adult in the house and the guy being a neighbor he’s going to know there is only one adult in the house. And when the only thing you know for sure is that he’s a guy who listens to loud porn in his backyard it shows either a lack of respect for boundaries or lack of boundaries. Does he respect property lines? Locks? And it’s worse because it’s a sex thing. It’d be so much easier if it was some other kind of noise complaint.

There’s just a lot of ways saying something could make it worse when it’s a woman complaining to a man. That can be a reason to escalate straight to calling the police and asking them to talk to him.

TLDR: Men say “Not all men” and women ask “Which men”.“)

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread