Sky Marshal Williams Warns of Female Bug Threat

I think I understand what Sky was trying to say in his original video along with what he was trying to defend in the second.

But first, let me clarify what he is NOT saying.

He is NOT saying "female streamers, you dressing a certain way is bad and you should be ashamed of yourself, stop now"

I believe the point of his original video was multifaceted:

  1. Streaming is a very VERY difficult business to succeed in. Everyone is trying their damnedest to do what they can to get more viewers; this includes dressing a certain way (Cowsep as example), using comedy (Sky, KaceyTron, Trick2G, Aphromoo and tons more that I can't think of atm), being well known from other games (Destiny, lastshadow9), or being educational (Nightblue3, TheOddOne). Sky actually says "do what you gotta do, make your money"
  2. Due to the sexist and misogynistic attitude/mindset of a massive portion of the gaming community, a lot of women face a lot of discrimination and extra scrutiny SPECIFICALLY because they're women. This is something I've seen with my own eyes in CS:GO. If a girl bottom frags, it's "girls suck at video games" or "this is why they shouldn't leave the kitchen". If she top frags, it's "i bet she's ugly irl lol" and "probably not even a girl." I've heard these all verbatim, some multiple times. If a GUY does poorly, he's just a noob. If he does well, he's just better than you. Men can play video games without representing their entire gender or having people question their attractiveness. This is a problem that cannot be solved all at once. It will slowly fade with time.
  3. BECAUSE of the point in #2, female streamers who specifically use their bodies to attract viewers are:

    a) doing nothing wrong and should be allowed to do what they want [within TOS] on their stream

    b) indirectly making it more difficult for female streamers to be taken seriously

In an ideal culture/society/community, people would be able to compartmentalize female streamers who use their bodies to attract views, understanding that these are just another type of streamer, and do not represent other female streamers or women in general. Women should be able to dress/behave however THEY want on THEIR stream [again within TOS] without any thought of how it could affect other female streamers. However, we have to face reality, and the reality is that most members of the community cannot compartmentalize these streamers. And until we reach this ideal community, female streamers serve as a representative for all women in gaming.

TL;DR Streaming's hard, do what you have to do, but because of the nature of twitch's userbase, you should think about how your actions will affect other streamers.

PS: Sky only did this because he was becoming irrelevant. Also the usage of the various streamers' pictures was completely unnecessary and toes the line for personal attack/witchhunting.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Link -