Has someone ever challenged you to something that they didn't know who are an expert at? If so how did it turn out for you/them?

Mate... This story reminds me of my old co-workers. We all played league of legends. I hated ranked and only did draft for fun, and ofc when I started working there and they learned I played they asked me my rank, so I told them: unranked. What I didn't mention was that I had two friends who compulsively played draft and always matched up with platinum and diamond players, so I got used to playing against some really skilled top laners. I was around a plat level myself.

They spent all day giving me "advice" and talking about how awesome they were, when I friend them I finally learn that they're all bronze 4 and 5. NBD, I don't care since I only play for fun. We could lose all day and I wouldn't care.

I played with them that day and I've never met such a group of whiners. They were no fun to play with at all. I did grossly well in their matches, since I was fighting bronzes, but even when we were doing well it was just constant nitpicking and blaming everything but themselves for when they died.

They didn't like that I finally placed Silver 1 a week later, rose to Gold, and occasionally matched them with silvers, golds and plats. They stopped inviting me to play. I quit soon after (that job).

Some of the worst players aren't just bad at the game, they're also bad as people. I honestly think that 80% of skill at a game is mentality.

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