She is why I speak up.

Studies about what? Whatever it is I could try to find some for you. I did a lot of research before making the switch because I was extremely skeptical, and I require a lot of evidence to be convinced of anything. If you would have told me I was going to be a vegan before I would have laughed in your face. But all the evidence supporting it is solid, and there are no good arguments against it. I started thinking about it after watching Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives on netflix. After fact checking them, it turned out a couple minor things were off, because obviously there is an agenda there, but the vast majority of it was completely true and the gist of them was undeniable. I spent weeks researching after that. Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize you've been lied to all your life about something? It was one of those.

Very slowly started phasing out certain things from my diet. Didn't try to do it overnight. Didn't think I was going to cut it out completely because I loved it. Changed dairy milk to almond milk, bought some gardein chicken tenders to try, etc. Simple stuff. Probably had one or two animal product free days a week in the beginning, thinking that was all the change I was going to be able to make. But then I started craving it less and less. I associated feeling better with the foods I ate on animal product free days, to the point where I stopped wanting those other things as much. I used to chug milk out of the carton in the morning, now I have no desire to ever drink dairy milk again, and all I can think about is it being filled with somatic cells and antibiotics and the way it's harvested...

Sorry I just got carried away lol. Just let me know what kind of information you're looking for and I'll do my best to get it! I think you should watch those documentaries though.

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