St. Louis couple indicted for waving guns at protesters

this logic is so frustrating to me. I feel like people with this opinion watch too much Tucker Carlson. When you have a crowd (BLM) walking in formation down a single street protesting police brutality and are met with a wall of police in riot gear who refuse to facilitate a peaceful demonstration (i.e. escort, containment, traffic control) and instead react violently to the crowd with police brutality, munitions, tear gas, batons, etc.

What would the previously organized crowd on one street do? They fucking run! In every direction! Some cry with shock, and some get fucking mad. Mad because of not being treated equally. If your shocked by these “riots” your shock should be with law enforcement not doing their job. It should be with the state. the government. suppressing peoples basic rights. Fox doesnt show clips of buffalo police pushing an elderly man down who cracks his head open as they walk past him and leave him behind. They only show burning police cars, buildings on fire, and the affect that occurred due to the cause.

The majority of Americans who saw a man get murdered for 8:46 begging for his mom and the other man looking at a camera while doing it while 4 officers with their hands literally in their pockets did nothing. it shook a lot of people. It raised a constant question of how can the police/state/gov get away with this over and over again?

When you see armed militias storm Mich. gov house protesting over “gov overreach taking away their rights and liberty. because of the covid hoax lockdowns. - well thats, because Its patriotism.

protests show the strength of governing institutions in conflict with the strength of the American cultural expectation of the freedom to protest and fight against those institutions when they act with violence and coercion. (anti lockdown?) In liberal and free societies, individuals organize to keep the power of the government in check, even while the government has the power to keep protests from turning violent. The entire system of liberty and respect for human dignity relies on an ability to use violence.

So my frustration is your lack of seeing the big picture. Spiting out gaffs you heard on fox or the president at BLM saying they’re pretending to care about justice and left wing violence not treating people affected (you?) equally is lost on me.. Were all protesting for liberty. whether thats equality w justice. Or freedom to not wear a mask and lockdown for public safety. its authoritarian in our bubbles. and the idea to fight that authoritarianism is ANTIFA.

You must have a problem in your mind if you think that somehow the Black Lives Matter is more dangerous than the police. You must have a problem in your mind if you think that Antifa is the one going to take your freedom. Conservative talk show hosts adding a negative connotation to certain key phrases like “defund the police,” which is ‘the right thing to do’ as police have become a huge authoritarian bureaucracy that will take way our liberty and supporting law enforcement and the military when they’re doing terrible things across the world. I’m not saying that everything they’re doing and every person in it — don’t get me wrong – are doing that, but there needs to be a defunding of government in general, and especially the police forces because they’re the ones who are actually going to seek and destroy us.

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