Started a month late, trying to catch up, feels hopeless.

it's definitely hard to play catch up when you're starting from behind and switch mains multiple times. my advice would be to take it easy. play 1 main and play your alts on rested. doing everything on every char every day is a good way to burn out especially if you're doing guardian raids as well. something else that helped when i was feeling immense burn out was literally just touching grass and stepping away from the game for a few days, not even touching it for a single daily. you really start to see the redundancy in min-maxing every small part of the game.

it may feel impossible right now but there will definitely be downtime where you can catch up especially once vykas releases. i switched mains as well but i had the fortune of switching while i was ahead of the curve and when we had a month of argos as farm content.

you'll definitely be able to get to the 'end-game' in 1-2 months time through gradual progress but don't burn yourself up on it.

/r/lostarkgame Thread