Step father raped me and my family all believe him. I am now banned from all family except my son who's with me.

You can easily fuck up his entire life , word by mouth spreads fast , somehow make sure word gets out to one of his friend (who should be a doctor) , doctors don't deal with illegal shit, Im telling you this because to become a doctor you need at least 7 years worth of tearing your brain out on books , 100% of the doctors I have met value their degree as much as their life, it is basically their life and In the US if your medical licence gets revoked you cannot get back into the system , if you take away his listened from him you've basically destroyed his life , as far as I understand you have no way to sue him and even if you do use him it's his word against yours and well he is a doctor , plus his lawyer would be top notch so you can't fight him legally, try and reach out through social media and any famous forums for doctors , fabricate a gruesome backstory , stop crying first of all , I don't know if this can be done in the US or not , but you can blackmail him for money (if you have the proper know how and the ability to not get caught) , go seek out a help center , if you play your cards right you can essentially extort as much money you want from him , as for your family who kicked you out - forget them , forget that they ever existed and treat them as you would a criminal , you whole family is shit if they didn't even try to question him , you have time and (possibly) internet access , even if the society doesn't believe he raped you he still kicked a fucking child out , this is important : contact a feminist group , they will surely help you , don't ever forget that if you ever get the chance to spread this word , possibly among patients too you just ruined his career , with no patients he is actively bleeding out almost half that he makes (to insurance)

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread