Steve King: Republican congressman under fire for anti-Islam endorsement says he wants 'an America so homogeneous that we look the same'

Any context at all - where did he say it, to whom, in relation to what?

EDIT: I'm really suspicious of this. The "story" is a quick blurb with no details, and I can't find corroborating sources.

EDIT #2: As has been linked below, what he said in his tweet was: >Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies

Can anyone confirm that he actually said, in so many words, what this stub of an article claims he said. Yes, it's kind of a paraphrase of the idea behind the original quote, but, the purpose of quotation marks is to indicate that it's the speaker's exact diction. So do we have another source, with any context, confirming that he actually said this actual quote? If not, this is bullshit.

Listen, Steve King is a jackass, no doubt, but let's pillory him for what he actually said and not put even dumber words in his mouth.

EDIT 3: Per /u/appmanga, this is confirmed with context:

I stand by my belief that the Independent blurb is a crap source, but the information is not incorrect.

Edit #4:

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