Do we still have a chance to get back together??? My(F/30) bf(M/28) broke up with me and wants us to start over as friends.

Doesn't seem the issue is that he "got hurt," but instead it seems like he's doing a very smart and necessary thing. Moving in together after only a month is, may I say, pretty freaking crazy. Some people may say that talking about a future and kids at five months in is also a little crazy, or maybe just way, way too fast. If you want to see if this is going to work out, actually listen to what he is telling you, let him move out and then slowly start to really get to know each other as friends, and if you're meant to be together, you will eventually fall back into an actual relationship. You're kind of doing a normal, healthy relationship in reverse that way, but I think it's a positive thing that he obviously wants to do, so if you respect him and the potential future relationship, get to re-know him as a friend.

/r/relationship_advice Thread