StPD influencing your dreams?

If you are in a place with medical or legal cannabis most strains before bed eliminate my night terrors. It has significantly improved my quality of life. I don't have/remember my night terrors at allanymore, and since I've never had regular dreams to my knowledge, I don't mind not "dreaming" when I'm asleep. Also the world is plenty fucked for being the best time ever for humans we know of so if I really needed to make up a story, plenty of material to work with. Sleeping, feeling rested and being aware of a small black gap in thought is off-putting at first, but for me I feel it's worth it. If you have the, "Oh right, I'm aware of zero immortal humans currently, AHHHH!" style insomnia it sort of helps, but for the most part full mental exhaustion is the only remedy. Not that you asked that last bit, but, we're apparently not super common, so might as well accumulate data for our possible group betterment, if this group actually consists of real people as opposed to a catfish pond, either way though I guess. The dice come up on all sides.

/r/Schizotypal Thread