The stranger melted into her chair

Maybe I'm autistic then. Maybe I'm the odd one out whose too empathetic for his own good.

I know it's impossible and unrealistic. I have those strong connections with my flatmates, girlfriend, parents and relatives. But that doesn't mean that everyone else is meaningless. I don't forget the people I talk to, if I could call or text them, I would.

And you're right. There is no meaning of life. I'm young, naive and ignorant. I'm currently helping a stranger in Alabama whose found himself homeless after his alocoholic step dad battered him and his mother took his step father's side.

But I do care about people. Maybe my memory is too good for my own good but I don't forget the people who are meaningless. The people in my thread who are dealing with all manners of struggles in life. From the guy who couldn't pay his bills because his payday falls after his paycheck because he joined the company recently to the woman whose struggling because her narcissistic husband is slowly affecting her life more and more despite not being at home, to the guy who feels void of emotion to the mother who suffers with anxiety after her toddler collapsed at a day care.

I commented on every one of the 70 posts, asking questions, acknowledging their issue and telling them to message me if they needed help or wanted to talk. I know people like to be in control so I gave them the choice of messaging me if they felt like it.

I'm not telling you to be their friend or to give them a fucking reach around. I'm saying that if someone looks upset, is dealing with an issue or is homeless. How hard is it to show compassion, I'm not telling you to add them on Facebook or get their number. I'm not telling you to do anything. All I was rambling on about was that it's somehow seen as strange or rude to care about someone other than yourself comes across as weird.

I care about you. I want to know WHAT your strong connections are. If you're religious, what's your job, your education, your story. What it's like in Canada. Where in Canada you live. How has your upbringing affected your perception of life and the people around and what's your plans for the future and how do you plan to achieve them.

But like you said. I'm nothing more than a pixel on your screen. I'm meaningless. You could vanish from my life like a ghost and I would still wonder what LOS is doing. Maybe years from now I'll wonder what happened to you, where you ended up. If life got the better of you or if you made it where you wanted to be.

I'm absurd, abnormal, weird and overly compassionate and empathetic. I'm the odd one out or maybe I'm just lying to myself and I don't really care or wonder about people, if I lie to myself just to make myself feel like a better human despite being the same as you and everyone else on this planet. if the placebo of emotion has warped my perception of life in such a way that I'm shouting nothingness into the void.

But I do care, we've never met but I care about you, your life, your strife, your trouble and toils. You may not care about me, but that's okay, you're not supposed to. You're not meant to, I'm a pixel, I'm nothingness on nothingness. A black dot on a white space surrounded by more black dots in white spaces. Accept that computer screens use an RGB additive colour spectrum so actually it's nothingness carved into every colour in existence combined.

Feel free to private message me if you ever need someone to talk to, if you ever want to get something off your chest and say it to someone, to hear their perspective on things.

You probably don't though.

You probably have a wife and kids , or maybe just a girlfriend? Maybe you're homosexual, maybe you're niether. Maybe youre withdrawn or perhaps you're extraverted but are too afraid of society to express. Maybe you're suffering with undiagnosed mental health conditions that batter your psychological well being, maybe you're happy, maybe you're healthy, maybe you're successful or maybe you're sad. Maybe you achieved your childhood dream, maybe you didn't, maybe you care for charity, maybe you care for self wealth, maybe you love life, maybe you fucking hate it, maybe you had a good day yesterday, maybe you didn't.Maybe you'll read this and reply, maybe you wont.

Either way, largeofspace, I won't forget you.

There's no maybe in that.

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