[SuperBeta] Pills, what are the benefits of a Red Pill relationship?

In my opinion trp is a crutch at least that's how i have used it.

Chasing pussy can be a fun distraction in it's self but for the average pussy wipped betazoid to wake up to a dame sucknig your pecker one morning can be a hell of a self esteem boost.

I've tossed away a decade got divorce raped, and for all of my devotion, hard work, and trouble lost a house and everything i had financially. I got out of that situation and along the way found trp. A lot of the advice is generic in fact the whole lift/work on yourself is done much better in many other subs like r/fitness.

What trp does right is it gives men who have been bent over and fucked a tower to stand on and scream at the world from. It's a place to vent about the rage of realizing you were the stupid fuck that bought Disneys fairy tale of true love. The fury that for all of your sacrifices you got used and tossed out. It's where the average chump can realize the bullshit he has been taught by all the pc obease femanazi pandering dickheads is complete insane bullshit.

For me its where i realized i was on a treadmill. Twice. The first treadmill is seeking others approval. I am a chunk of iron that got hammered over and over so hard for so long i changed. I had everything and lost it and rebuilt myself into a stronger person in this sub. I make more money now, I have a better house and woman and did it all in two years instead of 10. Life is good.

If the first treadmill is looking for approval the second one for me was realizing that looking for pussy is just another treadmill. So is seeking wealth, status or anything really.

Trp is the place that stuck a boot in my ass to knock me out of the funk i was in. It helped me psychologically because i had a place to shout all the fucked up stuff i was realizing or hear the shouts of the other poor angry bastards and realize....Fuck its not me! I'm not the insane one. Its everyone else; this world is crazy. Chasing this shit is crazy. Approval. Money. Pussy. Fuck all of that shit.

This all clicked for me now I am in the best shape of my life. I don't need bullshit and i say and do what i want and for the first time i'm happy and free. Im building now A home, a Family, I moved to a new city and have new and much better friends. My woman i love. She is a woman and I do check her if she starts with bullshit (and i am a lot more aware of bullshit when i see it because of trp) but you know what she does it to me too and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Don't worry about losing your connection with the human race OP. Just realize that for a while you will be crazy. You will be cussing and swearing in vain at all the effort you spent and wasted on whatever treadmill you have been on. Then you'll wake up one day and it's gone and you look back at the storm of the last few years. What you have sacrificed. Then just maybe you can maybe see something beautiful there. Trp will put you on the path to some mother-fuckin Ghandi shit at least it has for me. Frame isn't a facade anymore its who i am.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread