Sweden: Extremism grows, chiefly radical Islamists.

He was talking about a Fox News special report on Sweden that aired the day prior

You call that Youtube video filled with stupid shit "special report"? It was independent, low budget, short documentary by an idiot. Every single thing about it was lies, I watched it - "There seem to be more women in police station on this particular day so women in Sweden are in danger!!" or how about re-editing interview with retired police officers to put words in they're mouths, pathetic and stupid, mentioning "sources and officials" of which none appear on camera or are mentioned, 5 second interview with homeless man that couldn't speak English was down right embarrassing. Everyone has a camera, everyone can make this shit, I can't believe idiots watch and believe Youtube videos that refuse to provide any evidence, let alone that Fox broadcast trash like this on national television.

informally at a rally

All Trump says is informal, everything, every statement, every word, every Tweet, he hasn't made a formal statement in his life according to his supporters, he's just a pal from New York city, new on the job, stupid and uneducated for weeks, just as a president should be.

a few days after Trump said that there

Oh, so he wasn't lying about last nights events? if I say "Aliens will attack in 70 years!" I am not an idiot? I am just so smart I predict the future?

Everyone who watches Fox


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