So I teamkilled for the first time yesterday

I got teamkilled in a Terrorist Hunt game "for not planting when asked to", because I wanted to clear the area before summoning the hordes of terrorists upon us, was about to plant and bam, got shot.

The joy I felt when I realized I was the host and could ruin his day did not match the joy I felt when he started screaming over the mic after I told him not to TK the host next time he wants to be retarded and abandoned the mission.

Another time, Terrorist Hunt again, I'm clearing again, three guys decide to grab the hostage and then immediately run for the extraction point. They all go down, and the guy with the hostage starts raging and screaming for a revive, I get downed too trying to save their sorry asses, then he goes into overdrive when I tell him that its not a good idea to run for the extraction point right away, you gotta drop the hostage and clear the way. We retry, and he teamkills me, then I realize I'm the host again. So I wait. I wait until they're almost about to win, then abandon the match and tells him to get lost. Again, the pure rage he spews fills me with such an amazing joy.

Sure it's kind of a dick move to the other guys, but honestly, I felt it was worth it, and that I was in the right. Harass me over nothing or something that is your own fault, and I have no obligation to stay as host.

/r/Rainbow6 Thread