[Tech] Questions regarding Cloud synchronization

It's not meant to be a backup.

That's exactly what I thought. The funny, and slightly infuriating, thing is that everywhere I go, including this sub, people drone on and on about how Cloud is the best backup you could have. These people seem to think that backup and the ability to have access to essentially one copy of a save across multiple consoles are synonymous concepts. They are not. Your answers prove that. In the event of corruption, Cloud serves no purpose at all. I don't care if Cloud can fetch my saves across multiple devices, external storage serves that purpose marvelously and acts as an actual backup if the game allows you to copy saves (as is the case on Xbox 360 for most games).

I do have multiple saves for any games I play that allow it. How does Cloud treat multiple saves? If I delete all save data for my profile on just my console, will Cloud fetch all saves when I load that particular game again?

Here is a stellar example of what I was talking about, straight from this sub. These people have no clue what this guy is even trying to do. They all sound like talking billboards for Microsoft and it's ridiculous. I get that copying saves can lead to cheating, but people will find a way to cheat regardless of what Microsoft does. This just screws over people like me who have a vested interest in backing up games I spend 1000's of hours in.

The fact that I cannot actually backup my saves with external storage is going to be a dealbreaker for me. I guess my Xbox One will only be used for Destiny and exclusives which is a shame as I've been a 360 user since it's launch many years ago.

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