Teen parents, how difficult was it to raise your child? Did your little family have to go through hard times? [Serious]

TL/DR: Two opposing forces can never love. No matter how hard you try.

I was 18 she was 16. Our relationship was like any teen fling. We fought, we had lots of unprotected sex, we never stopped texting each other, usual stuff. We were both emo/gothic which is what got us together. About 9 months into our relationship I get a call about 10pm, she's in tears "I'm 3 months pregnant". We're both freaking out, her mother is trying to get her to get an abortion while I was trying to get her to keep the baby. Eventually we both decided together to keep our child. Our relationship more or less ends, we continue to hang out and have sex but it is a back and forth abusive relationship. She hits me, I scream at her. She's bi-polar and I'm an asshole.

The docs have to modify her pills so the baby isn't affected, her emotions run wild. She is in and out of clinics, she took her rage out on me and I didn't let up either.

7 months into pregnancy she goes into labor after we argue one more time. She rushes to the hospital, I leave work to meet her there. I go into the emergency room and begin to berate her for not letting me take her. We fight, eventually I leave to go eat she doesn't let me back in, I don't blame her at all. Eventually I'm having panic attacks at the thought of missing my daughters birth. My mom convinces her to let me back in. 12 hours later our daughter is born 5 weeks premature. I ask that she have my last name, her mom convinces her not to. She regrets listening to her her mother.

We work things out for a few months, we move in together. 6 months later I take our daughter away. Not 24 hours later I come back. This move ruined any and all love/trust she ever had for me. What little it was. A month later I leave, she attacks me, cops are called. If it weren't for my bruises and cuts I would have been arrested. I never once hit her, I was always verbal.

The next 4 years we are back and forth, living together, alone ect. She cheats on me, I sleep with multiple girls. She files for child support, I don't fight (regret this everyday). She tells the cops I molested my daughter, have to prove my innocence. Cops realize she is unstable, she admits to lying and they drop the case. 2 Years later my daughter is 5 years old. I'm 24 she's 22, I'm in the Marines and she has my daughter back home. We are friends and still care about each other. We remain friends, filled with regret. We will probably never be a little family again no matter how much we long for it. We are older and realize our teen lust was not a good base for a family. We are incompatible.

It destroyed us both inside, neither of us can be in a relationship with anyone for more than a couple months. We no longer trust anyone and we resent the opposite sex.

/r/AskReddit Thread