I was accepted to medical school. I didn't go. Here are 11 reasons why.

Maybe I wrote the fluids one poorly? I didn't mean that you have these fluids on your skin all day. I meant that you are often dealing with these. I have several friends who are doctors, and they tell me about their experiences. For example, my one friend was in some sort of exploratory surgery. She was near the end of the table near the guy's butt. The surgeon was squeezing different parts of the intestines for whatever reason (I can't remember now). He squeezed one part, and the guy's feces came out and went all over her. I've also heard some pretty gross stories from ob/gyn. A friend of mine who was doing ER sent a pic of his shoes covered in blood. Of course, you can pick specialties that are less gross, but I believe you still have to rotate through a lot of these.

Regarding pay, doctors do well. My only point is that they don't do as well as many think. I linked to two articles for this one comment. So, it's not like I tried to dupe people there. Also, I never made the teacher argument. That was one of the articles. The second linked article refutes that, but says the pay is still lower than you imagine it to be.

As for as medical school curriculum, I wrote in there that it was opinion. In the program I'm in, there is no memorization. Our tests are open note and open book. Yet, it's a PhD program. The reason it is done like this, is because that's how it is in real life. I just prefer this form of education to rote memorization. I also think the amount of rote memorization when many people feel the first two years are largely unnecessary is ridiculous.

Can you see my point on these? I think I screwed up my writing style too. I went for tongue-in-cheek on a few parts (where I linked to videos of med school parodies) and nobody seemed to get it. That's my fault for poor writing.

Look I obviously didn't do this for Karma or some weird internet reward. I did this because this was a really tough decision for me, and I wanted to put out what I found to others.

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