Tel Aviv city hall tonight

Controversial opinion time:

I do think the existence of Israel as a sanctioned Jewish state is an invasion in itself. I understand the necessity for it given the timing of its creation, but they did forcefully uproot an entire population to make it happen. I'm pretty sure the Palestinians had been living there for centuries- wasn't that since the Crusades? Or am I totally wrong? I don't think it matters how the Palestinians acquired the land after that many generations. Can you really hold the current generation accountable for how the Palestinians got there at this point?

Neither side wants to coexist, but the Palestinians did get the shit end of the stick. It may not have been oppression at first, but if it's oppression now, does it matter what it was then?

I hate this circle jerk way of looking at how history applies to current generations.... Americans bragging about world war 2 as if they were there? I know it's mostly a joke a lot of the time, but after a couple generations how responsible can you hold someone? That does of course go both ways. Should Israel be guilty for how they acquired Palestine, after all this time? I don't think so. Should Palestinians be held accountable for how they got Palestine? I don't think so. But at the same time, I remember a long time ago I saw an article posted on Reddit somewhere about a handful of Israelites and Palestinians trying to do a demonstration of coexistence. The comments and reactions from Israeli Jews made any bigotry I'd seen look mild. So I empathize with the Palestinians, even through all of the fire Islam is under, because they've been brought up in the shit they've been in for generations and have gotten nowhere.

Tl;dr everyone's an ass hole, nobody wants to coexist with each other, but a lot of things need to be left in the past because the current generation isn't responsible for them. I personally empathize with Palestine because they got the shit end of the stick to begin with and things keep getting worse.

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