Tell me about problems you face daily

Apparently i'm:

-An anxious extrovert when I always thought I was an introvert.

-I have low self-esteem​ and very little confidence to do things.

-I get uncomfortable very easily when I'm out of my own little bubble.

-I need to have control of a situation and I personally feel responsible to fix it even when no one tells me to.

-I'm very blunt and direct when I ask people things, also not knowing when I'm doing it. I get surprised when people respond back with a negative reaction.

-I get discouraged very easily when there's no positive outcome or results.

-My fear cripples me to the point where I hide, avoid and lie to not be put in the spot.

-my skepticism and distrust always makes me doubt people intentions.

-I judge people and I fear people judge me back based in how I judged them.

-i need to plan, have everything step by step or I feel the whole project, day, or trip will not be where it needs to be.

-Im so uptight with everything that I tend to not enjoy life because if it isn't structured and defined, I cannot enjoy it.

-I over think things, over analyze them, over react to them.

-I'm a All or nothing type of guy.

-I'm way too persistent, I keep forcing a topic until I finally find something that appeases my persistency.

-I'm​ very sensitive and when someone hurts my feelings, I become very passive aggressive.

-If someone doesn't show me the right attitude or persistence in continuing our friendship, I just push them aside and never put the effort to develop that friendship.

-Talking too many people annoy me, I feel like I can't keep up with what one person said, or what the other person did.

-i get too comfortable and lose my sense of urgency to continue bettering myself when I'm in a bubble of comfort.

-I like to make plans for my future but I hardly put the effort in achieving them unless they appear right in front of me.

-I'm also very arrogant when it comes to finding work, either I find a job that pays better than my previous job or nothing. So, I refuse to work in places like McDonald's, housekeeping or laundry places because I know they only pay minimum wage.

-My priorities are skewed, I put more importance on insignificant things and very little on significant things.

-I complain about my job not giving me enough hours but yet I never do anything about it. I just settle with what I have and moan and groan about it.

-I unintentionally make people feel stupid and be oblivious about it until I see them get mad at me.

-I can talk ill about myself and not give two shits about it.

-I'm very comfortable with my own mistakes and problems, that I can acknowledge them and accept them.

I guess I'm just a comfortable​ with his own skin, knows way too about himself type of guy. Lately I've been trying ratify these problems but I get stumped on it and I have no idea how to fix it so I just push it to the side.

/r/CasualConversation Thread