Tell me your first kiss story.

Ok. I have never told this story before and will probably delete this post soon. Please know that I am way, way older than the Reddit demographic - my username is a clue (when you like a birthday, why not keep repeating it?)

I took a girl to a concert in the local auditorium/basketball court. We sat at the back. About halfway through, I turned to look at her, and she moved her face closer to mine. Our lips touched. Then they touched again. I immediately became rock hard, as young teenagers often do.

We kissed, and kissed and kissed - no tongues because I didn't even know that was a thing - through the rest of the concert. Afterwards, we went to a fast food place. I felt increasing discomfort in my groin, but had no idea what that was. My erection had long since fled. Pretty soon, I was fighting not to double over at the table.

I walked her home, kissed her again (very briefly because things really hurt), went home and found that my testicles were swollen and very very sensitive. Yes, I had Blue Balls. Unfortunately, because these were the days long before even rudimentary sex education, I had no idea what was happening.

I was terrified. I couldn't sleep, too much pain, and lay in my bed, suspended on my knees and elbows to keep any pressure off my groin. Having been raised as a good Catholic boy, I worried that I was getting a much deserved punishment from God for my impure thoughts.

Eventually, the swelling went down and the pain stopped. But I was so terrified that I didn't go on a date again until I went to college. I often wondered what that poor girl thought had happened, but I never asked. It wasn't until four years later that I heard someone talk about Blue Balls and went, "Ohhhhh!".

Be glad, you youth, that you have so much information at your fingertips these days.

/r/CasualConversation Thread