Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs 'heartbeat bill', banning abortions early as 6 weeks

You're oversimplifying this. I'd like an honest reply to this because I cannot comprehend how you equate a clump of cells with no brain activity to a living, breathing, thinking, feeling human being. I want to understand both sides because I feel the same level of disdain for your ideology as you seem to for mine. I'm the furthest thing from a sociopath; I have a lot of empathy for my fellow human beings and working in healthcare, I've seen pregnant single mothers cry because they can barely afford to feed their current kids but are being forced to have another because they can't afford an abortion. One such mother I actually had to teach about birth control because she had never even heard of any contraception except condoms, thus why she kept getting pregnant - condoms break. Should she be forced to carry a clump of cells to term, only for it to starve and get taken away along with her other kids (who she loves very much)? I grieve for those women, I've cried for them myself. It is so heartbreaking to me that people want to force people like her into carrying a baby that will ultimately be put into foster care. It seems like y'all just want to punish people for having sex. Newsflash - abstinence doesn't work in 99% of the population. That's why the states that teach abstinence-only sex Ed have the highest pregnancy rates.

Side question - do you support the death penalty? That's taking away the life of a human being with a heartbeat. If you do support it then you also belong in prison, according to your own standards. People are also wrongfully executed a lot more often than many people realize, so that's killing innocent people too.

/r/Conservative Thread Parent Link - abc7.com