Thank you for choosing Bank of America

Wells Fargo fucked me over hardcore about 10 years ago.

I had money in my account to cover all my bills plus about $100 extra.

The charges started clearing just fine, and then I started getting overdraft charges. At first, I thought maybe I fucked up when totaling my I went back through everything to make sure it all added up. Sure did add up. There was no reason at all for the overdraft charges. Then I noticed that I should have still had some money left over...enough money to cover erroneous overdraft charges, yet somehow I still had a negative balance.

I went into a branch office to contest the charges on my account. The clerk told me, "You have several overdraft charges, that's what put you negative. Just manage your money better next time." I made her pull out a calculator and add it up manually...and she came up with the same result I did. There should have been some money in my account even with the overdraft charges. She directed me to a manager. I relayed the situation to the manager and he told me, "Learn to manage your money better." and sent me on my way. I tried arguing but he said if I didn't leave he would call the cops on me.

I went to a local attorney to see what my options were and I was told he wouldn't take a case against Wells Fargo unless there was more people with the same issue. I found some more people in town with similar complaints, but none of them cared enough to actually take it to court. Everyone else affected had some other way to make up the money that Wells Fargo made disappear. I also didn't have the money to even try and fight it.

Afterwards, they started charging my account a "negative balance fee" putting me further in the hole. Each "negative balance fee" also came with an overdraft fee. By the time they closed my account, they claimed that I owed them over $800.

The account was sent to collections less than a month after it was closed and I've been fighting with the debt collectors since. I finally had one agree to accept the paperwork I had that proved Wells Fargo "stole" my money. I haven't heard back from them, but the account still showed up on my credit report when I looked it up last(around 2 years ago now).

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