Is there an animal friendly way of eating eggs?

I'm all about Pete & Gerry's eggs. If I'm going to eat eggs I at least spend the extra money a decent company rather than cheap and something totally and completely inhumane.

On their website FAQ:

What happens to the male chicks, do you destroy them if so how? Answer: We wish that there was an alternative, but there currently are no hatcheries available to us that produce chicks without male chick culling. As part of our commitment to the humane treatment of hens from the very beginning of their life, we are serious about doing our part to end this practice. We have spoken with company leaders at the hatcheries we utilize and advocated for the end of male chick culling. We feel confident that these companies are dedicating significant financial resources and scientific energy to ending the need to cull male chicks. There are several in-egg technologies which are rapidly progressing in testing and we expect some of them to be in widespread use in the coming few years. Additionally, we have pledged significant financial support to research taking place at the University of Leipzig in Germany later this year. This research will work on commercializing a prototype in-egg sexing technology which will bring it one step closer to widespread use.

What happens to the hens when they are too old to lay eggs?

Answer: We understand that for some consumers who want eggs from hens that are never slaughtered, our eggs will not be a suitable option. We encourage these consumers to raise their own hens and provide information on our website for starting their own backyard flock. While it’s important for us to continue to move the bar on humane egg production, we also feel that it’s important to remember that over 90% of eggs consumed in the U.S. are produced in horrific caged environments. For those hens, their best day is the day when they are finally put out of their misery. Perhaps Adele Douglass, the founder of Humane Farm Animal Care, said it best, “Our hens only have one bad day.”

Video of their farm (free range):

/r/vegetarian Thread