Is there too much focus these days on girl achievement, and not enough on boys?

I can't believe this.

Always, whenever there's attention directed to a boy's concern, you all come crawling out of the wood work to negate his problems because "Women and girls had it bad. They still have it bad."

One of you commentators even called him "Self-centered".

So, let me see if I got this correct. A seven year old child, with a legitmate concern, asks serious questions and feels left out. And you are calling him "Self-Centered"? A FUCKING CHILD!

You want to know what all your reactions remind me of?

People who minimized and erased my traumatic experiences just because this "White Male" belongs to the priveledged class.

I was seriously harmed by both genders in my youth. To list them all would make your stomach churn. Let's just say they were horrible and no child deserved to be put through that.

Years later, as an adult, I've come to terms with what one gender did because of all the supports and empathy granted by society. All the avenues offered.

For the other gender, society turns its back on me. Looks at me like I'm some unwanted disease.

You know what gender I'm talking about?

That's right...girls and women.

I've been working hard to heal for FIVE YEARS. FIVE FUCKING YEARS! And I'm getting nowhere because society doesn't allow a place for my trauma.

They also use the very reasoning you critics are using. "It's worse for women", "You're priveledged.", blah blah blah.

We have a word for that: Erasure. Making a person invisible, as if they didn't exist.

Well I exist and I'm not going to let you kick me while I'm down. Girls and women aren't THE ONLY ONES with problems. Hell, they're even capable of harm too!

Five fucking years I've fought tooth and nail to get my story heard and endure the pushback from heartless ignoramuses like you.

You want to talk about being "Self-Centered"?

You don't know what it's like to live with these demons. To eat with them, sleep with them with no chance of breaking free from their grip.

You don't know what it's like to read a book, watch a movie, depicting strong women and bumbling men. To see the male support get hurt, abused in the name of empowerment. Then walk away in a rage, tearry-eyed, hoping to make it through another day with your life in tact because it reminds you of just how alone you are in this world.

You don't know what it's like to fall into a rut and swat the suicidal thoughts away buzzling around like flies.

If this post gets downvoted, you'll only prove my point: You don't care. Society doesn't care. A seven year old boy is "Self-centered". A traumatized male victim of bullying by both genders is "Self-Centered" if he so much as mentions why girls and women hurting boys and men is a problem that needs equal attention.

If I end up commiting suicide (which I hope not), your blood will be on my hands. Just you wait.


A Male Survivor of bullying by boys, girls, men, women.

/r/Parenting Thread