Thinking about moving?

what part of nyc? I moved out here from there two years ago and for the life of me cannot understand why everyone says LA is so unaffordable. its not cheap, but if you’re paying rent in NYC, you can find something similar in LA with a lot more space or potentially cheaper with roommates.

my trajectory here: Palms, room in a 3br for 1000 (craigslist find that I moved out of pretty quickly) Palms, room in a 2br for 800 Santa Monica studio/bachelor for 1450 (in hindsight this was way too fucking expensive for the size and lack of amenities, but i was able to finally have my own place without roommates, walk to work and the beach was across the street, which was a really nice change of pace i thought was worth the cost) Koreatown 1br for 1600- not cheap, but I cannot believe I live in this place. it’s an ENORMOUS 1br in a great building in a great location. i would have never in my life been able to afford something like this in New York. it would be an easy $2800-3500 apt in Brooklyn.

in nyc i lived all over Brooklyn, queens (astoria) and briefly in Chelsea. I always had roommates (usually 2-3) and never paid under $1000.

LA isn’t cheap by any definition of the word but if you’re used to nyc prices and what you get for the $ you spend there, i seriously think you’ll be fine. feel free to pm me if i can help at all!

/r/LosAngeles Thread