Those of you living with your SO, how often do you feel like you can't WAIT for them to leave so you can watch porn?

What percent of population of large cities are 1 bedroom 1 bath apartments? At first, outside of the situation, anyone looking in on it and seeing one spouse trying to learn their partner's poop habits, or shower habits, or make up habits may be strange too. That said, the fact is when you share a life with someone there are elements that the two of you share that are overly intimate.

I do not condone a partner controlling them, or dictating what they are allowed to do. All that I am saying is that you should make it clear that this is your preference, this is how you want to live, and what frequency meets your personal needs... so that she can scoot her life around those edges to be close to you.

It is NOT controlling to ask someone to be transparent, honest and open with the one person whose will be entwined in one another's.

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