To those who are between the ages of 18-30

I'm 42 and live with my parents. My 34 year old brother lives here too. We both pay rent and my parents are pretty flush with cash because of it - no utilities either since we also pay those. My savings are pretty good and I try to remember that I'll inherit all this back one day, hopefully, if they don't suffer some kind of healthcare disaster that sucks it all up.

I get along better with my parents than my brother does, but he's more of a leech and doesn't help out. I do chores, cook, do everyone's laundry.

Unless your parents are genuinely awful, living with them is what you make it. Clean up after yourself, contribute to the household, and don't make them resent you. Be an asset to them and not a liability. It really will improve everyone's relationship.

But if you act entitled and continue treating your mother like a servant and your father like a bank, you're going to have a bad time, and deservedly so.

/r/florida Thread