Thousands sign petition for royal family to pay for Buckingham Palace repairs themselves

yeah, this. im not sure if people realize the reaon nobody goes to france for castles and everybody goes to england for castles is that in england acual nobles decendant from the people you heard of in school still live in actual castles and palaces built hundreds of years ago.

whereas in france every castle that wasnt turned into a rather shit looking house for some random rich dude is just a pile of stone blocks with some signs around that say 'this used to be an awesome medeival castle built by a wicked king who did loads of cool stuff, but we thought kings were shit so removed his face holder and let his castles rot, here it is today.'

you might say the nobility in england are similarly random rich guys and thats all castles are, sure, if you wanna disregard the fact that a lot of them trace their lineages back hundreds of years and arent, in fact, just some rich dude who thought it would be a great idea to own a castle, that castle was passed down from father to son for hundreds of years to today, while still managing to not turn into a tourist trap and remain an actual residence.

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