Three days away from my 2.5-year-old son, freaking out big time

I completely understand how you feel, I have an almost 3 year old and she is at the sitter (her godmother, my little cousin - so family) and will only be there for a few hours. But, I'm totally worried about it. why? because I'm over protective, and I totally own this. I just love the shit out of my kid and am a overly cautious person in general.

The thing is,we just have to recognize this. You are clearly a very loving and attentive mother, I would bet all kinds of money on that kid have a really good life filled with love despite you going to work or whatever. And it sounds like his dad is good people, or at the least grandma is.

So yes, he will be anxious and he will miss you, and I totally empathize with your anxiety. But it will probably be good for him and his anxiety, to face his fears and do it around loving people and new safe adventures. He will associate taking this fear on with positive feelings of being around people he knows will take care of him and seeing and doing new things. Your little babe is gonna grow up a little (dammit why do they have to grow up!).

As far as nursing, can you pump? Because that is gonna suck and you may dry up during that time, my biggest concern is if you could pump and have them take some even if just one before bed and if you could pump to keep your supply going so the end of all that work you put into him feeling safe and confident isn't taken away from at all.

On a side note, there was a recent study results released saying that its totally upbringing and not dna causing anxiety issues in kids, so i'm telling myself as much as you mama, we gotta somehow temper our big loving concerned hearts with confidence that things will probably be okay, even if just for the sake of our kids. Try to enjoy this time, I will say a prayer for your little angel and hope he has a wonderful adventure.

/r/Parenting Thread