Once I was in Las Vegas with a couple friends, let's call them Ben and David. Our weekend trip was mostly uneventful, though not to my distaste. We were brought to city of lights by a training course that was ultimately rescheduled, although it just so happened to be David's 25th birthday. Not too long ago, David had gone through a major break-up, with a girlfriend of four years, of which the circumstances remained a mystery to us besides that obviously there was a disagreement between the two. Regardless, this made Ben and I feel obligated to cheer him up.
Our efforts included hopping between almost every leading casino and a handful of clubs, but his luck wasn't good that night, perhaps hindered by his distress or inherent introversion. But, to be perfectly honest, David just didn't seem to be enjoying his time in Vegas as much as we were, he seemed suspicious and on-edge, his eyes darted around each new area before he felt comfortable. Ultimately, Ben and I couldn't cheer him up and we digressed back to our respective hotel rooms — we were staying at the Venetian, Ben and I had a two-bed room, we invited David over to play cards but he declined, saying he was too tired and went to sleep in his separate, one-bed, room.
It must have been past six in the morning when Ben and I decided on the best way to inspirit David. . . an escort. The two of us searched high and low through pages of advertisements before we found one listed at a suitable price, granted we were both students of a prestigious med-school and hadn't much to spend. The suitable price had her own name too, it and it was manifested in seven beautiful letters: Valeria (I know right? Sounds like some sort of contagion.). It didn't take long to get the procurer—apparently the polite word for 'pimp'—on the horn.
"Is there any special occasion for this call?" This caught us off guard, we didn't expect the service to be so... thorough. We danced around the story of "trying to get cheered" up and, after around five minutes of trading information, had the plans set in stone.