TIL In the 1950s, the USSR started breeding foxes in an attempt to see how wolves may have been domesticated. As a result there are now domesticated foxes called Silver Foxes which are still being bred.

Heh, if it was murder they wouldn't have let me out :P

In NSW Australia, where I live, security level is determined by the classification committee. "Classo" takes into account factors like who you are associated with, previous arrests and convictions, and your conduct while in prison.

When I'd first gotten arrested I was being held in Surry Hills Cells (it's really shit - the light never turns off, you are in the cell 24h/day, you cannot see daylight) awaiting transport and there was 3 or 4 other guys in the cell with me. So we were all talking about what we had been arrested for and this one tall junkie guy said he'd been extradited from Queensland for rape. So I beat the shit out of him, really pretty badly. I was soccer kicking his head into the cell wall repeatedly when the guards ran in and grabbed me. When they asked why I had attacked him I was very pleased with myself, I was practically giggling and I said "He is a rapist so I smashed him. Don't ever put me in a cell with a rapist again"

They never charged me even though they easily could have (there was a camera in the cell) and I don't know why. Maybe they would have been in trouble for putting him in the wrong cell and failing to protect him, maybe the camera didn't work and they wanted to hide that, I'm not sure. But my first three months were in solitary (which is awful) and the rest of my time was in maximum security. I imagine it was a combination of that bashing and the fact that I was friends with some notable crims.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org