TIL that in 1993, an Army husband cut off his wifes lovers head, dropped in her lap while she was in the hospital pregnant and said ""Look Diane, Glover's here. He'll sleep with you every night, only you won't sleep at night."

i know. edit the edit out. i think there is nothing better for society than the squelching of ideas. silence is best. right...

now, regarding the comparison to ISIS: this incident seems to smack of the honor and revenge killings of certain muslim groups, who find the behavior of family member (mostly female, it seems) to be embarrassing to the family or clan.

get pregnant by the wrong person, or 2 guys having sex...well, let's behead 'em. that'll teach em.

does that not seem to be the same to you? i think the mindset is VERY similar, and it is the mindset of someone who is wrapped up in the idea of having one's masculinity maligned, if i'm not mistaken.

be-heading as a response to sexual behavior seems to be a VERY drastic response, and does not do anything to help matters beyond making everyone's hands bloody.

all right, there IS going to be that surge of adrenalin when killing someone, but is that really such a good thing? it is UNDENIABLY an extraordinary sensation, but i don't know that it is beneficial to us in the long term.

regarding being angry, or wanting equity or fairness: anger eats the soul. equity and fairness do not exist. justice does not exist.

since the times of "an eye for an eye..." until now, there has NEVER been a way to truly make injury to another person OK. how does equity come from returning an injury? how does fairness come from returning an injury? it CAN'T. we might be fined lots of money in a court for injury, or we might be put in a jail cell for an injury, but does that remove the original injury? no.

next: am i not allowed to respond to comments, or should i PM you before i respond to comments to see if it's ok?

regarding the gay paragraph: i will admit that gay relationship violence can be pretty awful...so i will plead stupidity and insanity on that part. gays don't have a monopoly on peaceful co-existence...nor does anyone else. that part of my response was dumb...and i'll do a strikethrough on it.

regarding the 2nd half of the gay paragraph: i don't understand.

regarding getting over myself: now, just to be clear...who should i check with to see if i need to get over myself? again, would that be you? Ellen Pao? the Dalai Llama? Donald Trump?

we are ALL pretty full of ourselves on reddit, but for some reason the "pussays" comment just sent me over an edge. might be the violence in my past. might be my past lives. might be my FUTURE lives. i don't know, but that sort of posturing makes me crazy...sooo, i apologize for my craziness on that one.

enough. i have to make an edit on my gay comment.

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