TIL Bayer sold HIV and Hepatitis C contaminated blood products which caused up to 10,000 people in the U.S. alone to contract HIV. After they found out the drug was contaminated, they pulled it off the U.S. market and sold it to countries in Asia and Latin America so they could still make money.

So actually simpsonwood was a secret meeting. They told everyone who attended to keep the data confidential. In fact, the CDC specifically told the attendees that the data discussed was confidential.

They widely agreed there was a very strong signal between a higher number of vaccinations in the first few months if life and a higher number of developmental disorders. That link or signal was very clear.

And yes, we basically both agreed that the attendees were unsure if thine today was causing the link.

And then you throw in RFK. That is the classic response from people who have never actually read the Simpsonwood transcripts, because if you did you can see the results clearly for yourself, the relationship between vaccines and developmental disorders is clearly charted out. Apparently actually reading is too much work for you so you can look at the pictures and the charts.

I never brought up RFK but inevitably someone mentions his name- yes he did misinterpret the data but that doesn't mean the Simpson transcripts are incorrect.

So like I said, the simpsonwood data was massaged for two years- they removed the kids who received the most vaccines, and added data from a completely different hospital with a much less agressive vaccination schedule.

At this point I am repeating my self again because it appears you are listening- the data set was manipulated for two years before it was published. And actually you're wrong again- the CDC published their findings but they have been notoriously protective of the data set. The raw data set has been shared with very few people, but their findings are widely public. So again when you say scientists have had a chance to analyze the raw data and reach their own conclusions tells me you are incredibly misinformed.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org