TIL United States, Myanmar and Liberia are the only countries which have not officially adopted the metric system

Fucking bullshit I'm over thinking it, with the two situations given if we do the math on them metric only requires knowing subtraction, the imperial fractions on the other hand require also understanding multiplication before you can subtract them to come up with the answer of 1/12 of a cup.

If you tried to apply the same math to imperial that's used in the metric example where you just subtract the numbers you'd come up with 0/-1, which makes no fucking sense.

80 - 60 tells you everything you need to know to work it out right there in the question, all you need to know is what - means. 1/3 - 1/4 requires you to know what to do with the numbers given to be able to subtract them, you need to know you need to do multiplication in there to come up with the right answer so it requires knowing two different things where only one is actually shown in the question. It's easy as fuck to do but metric is easier still, imperial adds extra steps to calculations when they don't need to be there. That's the point that's being made here, not that imperial is difficult.

Considering they teach you addition and subtraction before multiplication and division that makes metric the easier of the two to work with, it's first day of school levels of math, regardless of how easy imperial actually is to use.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org