TIL that the woman who accused 14 y.o. Emmett Till of flirting with her admitted that she lied 62 years later. Till was brutally lynched by the woman’s husband and his cousin based on her accusation. Images of his mutilated body are credited with sparking the Civil Rights movement.

They aren’t anywhere near as dirty. That’s the point.

If Donald Trump is a “racist,” then literally every democrat president prior to Obama can easily be considered “racist”

Being a democrat is actually a better indicator of criminal propensity than anything other than sex or race. Sex is the best predictor. Race comes next, only slightly ahead of party membership. Then education levels, then economic status. For instance, a poor black republican man is much less likely to convicted of a felony than a rich black democrat man, which completely destroys the race baiting agenda of the democrats. There are several really interesting studies by Stanford and Penn that bear this out.

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