TIL : The World population was about 300 million at the time of Jesus. A thousand years later it was about 310 million.

holy shit you asinine twit. Do you for 10 seconds think the world experts in poverty believe that $10 constitutes wealth? Do you think you've found some secret gotcha that stumps people that dedicate their lives to studying this information? That somehow you with your "common man" logic have dumbfounded world banks, governments, non-profits, charities and every other organisation that dedicate their lives to redeeming poverty by figuring out that $37 a day sucks to live on?

I'll dumb it down for you as much as I can. Pick a number, any number you want - there are more people as a percentage below it a decade ago than there are today. The further back you go - the more it is. More people with more money to spend = good

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - pbs.org