The time my NMIL tried to arrange a party in my house

uhh, you do realise that you dissect my comment and in doing so take it completely out of context? yeah, okay, i mention a FLEA. then minimise said FLEA and go on to ask a question to other people about it.

yes, i asked if children of narcissists might have (like myself) not completed their education and was asking if anyone else had the same experience.

really don't appreciate being compared to anyone by someone that has never met me. especially someone's dad who is accused of being a narc. have you ever heard of ad hominem logical fallacies? like, where instead of answering the argument being presented (or, like in this example, the question being asked) you attack the person making that argument (or asking that question) ?

do you seriously think that my pedantism about the way people communicate is acting superior? gee, i'm really sorry that i like to know what people are actually saying whenever they actually say something. if that offends you, again, i'm sorry. although, if you're saying this bullshit for no other reason than for an excuse to abuse someone, fuck you. actually no, not "fuck you" because i wouldn't wish a good time on someone that has no respect for other people or the rules in a forum that they post in.

oh, so your comments aren't abusive because other people have suffered much worse? really? and women in western countries don't have any right to complain about misogyny because women in other countries have it worse, huh?

if you're not jealously attacking, then what are you doing?

you are right, this isn't suffering olympics. so why are you bringing it up? like, the complete "oh poor poor me" that the next three paragraphs outline. what's that got to do with, well, fuck all?

oh no! you clearly have never read the sidebar on the right of the page, because this entire post is flat-out abuse. if i'm not prepared to take it from the fuckwit narcissist who repeatedly beat the fuck out of me, i'm sure as fuck not going to take it from you either. if you want to be a sociopath, that's fine. but if so, please go to some other subreddit where abusing people is permitted.

oh yeah, notice also how long it's taken for me to mention any of the level of abuse i got thru my life? yet you bring all of yours out as soon a humanly possible, as if it's my fault or some bullshit. no, i'm not taking that. i have fourteen years of someone drunkenly beating the fuck out of me three times a week while yelling "look what you're making me do" and i am sure as fuck going to react badly if some random fucknut on the internet tries the same shit.

fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, and fuck the post that you tie the horse to when you dismount.

learn some respect.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread