Time To Reach Cover


So I'm in the process of running some tests. I'll share my findings with you thus far.

... Now, I am by no means, a mathematician. That said, you might be able to see if I have any of my math mixed up.

So, here's the experiment, which I've recorded: I picked Operation Locker because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I felt Operation locker was ideal for trying to keep as straight of a sprint as I could. It has some paths that have the least twists and turns, the least bits of cover to get in the way, no naturally fallen trees, and no water (I tried A different map first, OP Locker is ideal).

From Alpha to Bravo is a distance of 110 M

From Bravo to Carlie is a distance of 92 M

From Charlie to Delta is a distance of 85 M

From Delta to Echo is a distance of 101 meters

Add all that together and you should come up with a distance of 388

When I used a stop watch and ran from Alpha to Echo in the straightest line I could, I ran the full distance in 1:01.

So let's take that at face value. A soldier runs approximately. 388M per minute.

So, how many meters per second?

388 devided by 60 = 6.466 (It's an eternal number that goes on infinitum).

So, I'm requesting that cover be reliably spaced appart one from the other at time distances of 15 to 20 seconds. How many meters is that?

Your hypothesis is 20 meters. I disagreed from the begining. I DON'T want cover to be EVERYWHERE.

So we need to multiply 6.466 (Distance traveled in one second) by 15 (meters per second) And you should come up with = 96.99 meters...

So how many meters for 20 seconds?

6.466*20=129.32 M.

So... how MUCH room does a tank need? Can it turn in a radius tighter that 96.99 Square meters and 129.32 square meters?

Can it have some really nice lines of sight and really good vantage points at distances of 96.99 square meters and 129.32 square meters?

If you ask me... yes.

/r/Battlefield_4_CTE Thread Parent